21/11/2021 Gwaelod Local Results

1Duncan BirtwistleOD32:57:00
2Stuart LewisSWOC38:08:00
3Richard CroninNGOC39:26:00
4Mark PonsfordSWOC43:12:00
5Gary DaviesSWOC46:15:00
6Christine FarrSWOC52:46:00
7Duncan InnesSWOC53:41:00
8Haydn GriffithsSWOC56:05:00
9Paul HarveyIND59:58:00
10Chris AtkinsBOK62:11:00
11Tessa LewisSWOC63:14:00
Gill LockSBOCmp
Siobhan LockSBOCmp
1Roger SteinSBOC40:23:00
2Peter RibbansSWOC50:00:00
3John MillsSWOC51:18:00
4Frank InceSWOC55:34:00
5Andrew RavenSWOC60:37:00
6Matthew FautleyNGOC61:05:00
7Peter ColbertSWOC61:54:00
8Graham ToughSWOC65:58:00
9Peter MaloneyNGOC71:54:00
10Eos DicksonIND73:42:00
11John DicksonIND73:46:00
12Anna DicksonIND73:46:00
13Susan ColbertSWOC113:52:00
Anthony RavenSWOCmp
Dave GrantBOFmp
Ausra CeglyteSWOCMP
Pablo NunezSWOCMP
1chris radbandind26:17:00
2Jacob HaggertyIND52:24:00
3Vijay Mahavar SnowIND57:27:00
4Donal HalloranIND57:28:00
Ffion GrantBOFmp
Seb Hopkins Jonesindmp
1Ella McDuffind25:04:00
2Donna GrantBOF28:27:00
3Sanjeev Mahavar SnowIND34:35:00
4Emma RavenIND34:35:00
5Max StrudwickIND35:56:00
6Stanley OíGradyIND36:10:00
7Chandra SundasIND41:39:00
8Finlay ProctorInd52:10:00
9Anna ProctorInd52:16:00

Thanks to Richard Cronin we eventually managed to sort out the problem with the start times.

I will also try and sort out the splits but it may take a while.

Hope you all enjoyed yourself and thanks to all of the helpers.