All posts by Tom Foord

16/12/2017 Llantrisant Local Event

16/12/2017 Llantrisant Forest Local Score Event


Controls visited



Name Club Age Class Contols Points Time Penalty points Final score
1 Marcus Pinker FVO M40 26 520 62.11 -12 508
2 Mark Ponsford SWOC M21 26 520 66.18 -32 488
3 Alice Bedwell BOK W55 24 480 60.29 -4 476
4 Clare Dallimore SWOC W21 23 460 62.33 -12 448
5 Simon James SWOC M50 19 380 57.28 0 380
6 Mick Learoyd IND M55 19 380 59.03 0 380
7 Dave Mitchell SBOC M55 18 360 57.54 0 360
8 Mark Saunders BOK M55 18 360 58.15 0 360
9 Russell Finch SWOC M50 17 340 60.47 -4 336
10 John Mills SWOC M65 16 320 56.28 0 320
11 Alan Richards NGOC M70 16 320 59.22 0 320
12 Peter Ribbans SWOC M60 16 320 60.51 -4 316
13 Iwan Horan IND M40 15 300 62.22 -12 288
14 Catherine Finch SWOC W16 14 280 59.18 0 280
15 Jane Bush SWOC W60 14 280 61.24 -8 272
16 Eugene Prout SBOC M16 11 220 54.57 0 220
17 Caroline James SWOC W45 11 220 58.56 0 220
18 Emily Finch SWOC W14 12 240 65.02 -26 214
19 Angel Ceccaldi IND
10 200 75.34 -98 102
20 Max and Georgie Salter IND
3 60 38.21 0 60

21st June 2017 Heath Pk CPS4

19th July Pontcanna Park Results



1 Callum and Diane
2 James and Stuart
3 Mathew Bill
4 Megan Bill
5 Sophie and Frankie


1 Duncan Innes M50 18:12
2 Christine Farr W40 18:46
3 Carys Bill W16 19:33
4 Kate Darlington W35 20:37
5 Pete colbert M65 21:45
6 Aled Joseph M12 27:05
7 Eulee Sew W21 28:14
8 Harry Chapman M12 28:43
9 Anthony Raven M45 30:09
10 Pete Ribbans M60 30:48
11 Paul Bradford M45 32:03
12 Sue Colbert W70 33:06
13 Harrision Bradford M14 36:22
14 Pete Maloney M70 36:25
15 Chris Raven M14 36:39
16 Leo King M12 36:41
17 Andrew raven M12 38:18
18 Oliver Parfitt M14 50:01
19 Logan Bradford M12 dnf


1 Will White
2 Cary Bill
3 Gary Davies
4 James Clemence
5 Mark Ponsford
6 Tom Crommarty
7 Alan Stone
8 John Mills
9 Caroline Dallimore
10 Jeremy Parr
11 Alice Bedwell
12 Jane Bush
13 Cornell Parr


Handicap Results


Name Age class Time Handicap handicap time
1 Aled Joseph M12 27:05 2.5 10:50
2 Harry Chapman M12 28:43 2.5 11:29
3 Carys Bill W16 19:33 1.68 11:38
4 Christine Farr W40 18:46 1.47 12:46
5 Pete colbert M65 21:45 1.68 12:57
6 Duncan Innes M50 18:12 1.33 13:41
7 Sue Colbert W70 33:06 2.3 14:23
8 Leo King M12 36:41 2.5 14:40
9 Kate Darlington W35 20:37 1.39 14:50
10 Pete Ribbans M60 30:48 1.54 20:00
11 Pete Maloney M70 36:25 1.8 20:14
12 Harrision Bradford M14 36:22 1.68 21:39
13 Chris Raven M14 36:39 1.68 21:49
14 Eulee Sew W21 28:14 1.27 22:14
15 Anthony Raven M45 30:09 1.21 24:55
16 Paul Bradford M45 32:03 1.21 26:29
17 Oliver Parfitt M14 50:01 1.68 29:46
18 Andrew raven M12 38:18
missed no 2
19 Logan Bradford M12



1 Cary Bill
30:50 1.68 18:21
2 Caroline Dallimore
40:54 1.84 22:14
3 James Clemence
32:31 1.41 23:04
4 John Mills
39:01 1.68 23:13
5 Alice Bedwell
42:52 1.71 25:04
6 Alan Stone
37:10 1.41 26:22
7 Gary Davies
30:50 1.14 27:03
8 Will White
27:45 1.00 27:45
9 Jane Bush
53:18 1.84 28:58
10 Mark Ponsford
33:42 1.00 33:42
11 Jeremy Parr
41:11 1.21 34:02
12 Tom Crommarty
35:47 1.00 35:47
13 Cornell Parr

28th March 2018 Llandff Nth Evening Score

Llandaff NorthEvening Street Score 28th March 2018

Thanks to Chris, Duncan and Dougie for organising a challenging course.

The big decisions were which early controls to leave out and Mark Saunders made the right calls almost winning overal and winning the handicap.

Series winners were the absent Marcus Pinker in the Mens and Alice Bedwell in the Womens.


Full results

Posn Name Age Club Pts Time Penalty Points Total
1 Richard Cronin M21 NGOC 480 59.06 0 480
2 Mark Ponsford M21 SWOC 480 59.1 0 480
3 Mark Saunders M55 SWOC 470 60.25 10 470
4 Gary Davies M40 SWOC 430 58.23 0 430
5 Martyn O’Driscoll M35 MDC 460 62.59 30 430
6 Alice Bedwell W55 SWOC 380 58.06 0 380
7 Nick Dallimore M60 SWOC 380 59.2 0 380
8 Matt Hopkins M35 Les Croupiers 400 61.3 20 380
9 Haydn Griffiths M55 SWOC 420 66.58 70 350
10 Kate Darlington W40 SWOC 280 59.32 0 280
11 Caroline Dallimore W60 SWOC 290 60.31 10 280
12 Nick  Allebon M21 SWOC 270 60.41 10 260
13= Bob Reed M65 Sheen Shufflers 240 57.45 0 240
13= Rick Brown M65 Sheen Shufflers 240 57.45 0 240
15 Jill  Manning W65 SWOC 230 59.49 0 230
16 Hannah Caveney + Sandra Caveney W21 W55 Les  Croupiers 190 64.3 50 140

Handicap Results

Pos Name Class Total H’cap Pnts
1 Mark Saunders M55 470 1.4 662.7
2 Alice Bedwell W55 380 1.7 649.8
3 Nick Dallimore M60 380 1.5 585.2
4 Caroline Dallimore W60 280 1.8 515.2
5 Jill  Manning W65 230 2.2 506
6 Haydn Griffiths M55 350 1.4 493.5
7 Gary Davies M40 430 1.1 490.2
8 Richard Cronin M21 480 1 480
9 Mark Ponsford M21 480 1 480
10 Martyn O’Driscoll M35 430 1.1 460.1
11 Kate Darlington W40 280 1.5 411.6
12 Matt Hopkins M35 380 1.1 406.6
13 Bob Reed M65 240 1.7 403.2
14 Rick Brown M65 240 1.7 403.2
15 Nick  Allebon M21 260 1 260
16 Hannah Caveney + Sandra Caveney W21 W55 140 1.3 177.8

25th March, Margam North Welsh League

Margam North Welsh League     25th March 2018

Yvette Baker trophy heats result –  SBOC 298pts, SWOC 199pts.

Splits here
Printable results (pdf)
Brown (11/11) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Ben Mitchell SBOC M21 54:07
2 Megan Carter-Davies MWOC W21 60:25
3 Marcus Pinker FVO M40 61:35
4 Clive Hallett BOK M55 65:17
5 Lorenzo Calabro BOK M40 67:43
6 Rhys Manning SWOC M35 72:09
7 Oscar Healy SBOC M16 74:40
8 Mark Saunders BOK M55 77:08
9 James Clemence SWOC M55 83:01
10 Anthony Dew SBOC M40 99:08
11 Brendan Healy SBOC M45 110:28


Blue (22/22) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Andy Creber NGOC M60 63:36
2 John Simmons BOK M65 79:13
3 Haydn Griffiths SWOC 79:20
4 Jane Baldock BOK W35 79:28
5 Niall Reynolds SBOC M55 79:41
6 David May SLOW M70 82:19
7 Jackie Hallett BOK W60 83:28
8 David Harper GO M60 84:20
9 Margaret Reynolds SBOC W55 85:49
10 David Mitchell SBOC M60 87:08
11 Christine Farr SWOC W40 90:43
12 Russell Finch SWOC M50 91:05
13 Peter Foster BOK M60 91:20
14 Kerina Lake SBOC W40 91:49
15 Chris Arnold SBOC M50 108:28
16 Kevin Bush SWOC M60 110:21
17 Jo Foster BOK W60 112:58
18 Alan Richards NGOC M70 115:01
19 Victoria McCreadie RSOC W35 115:15
20 William Arnold SBOC M16 118:41
21 Robert Griffiths MWOC M70 156:27
Alice Bedwell BOK W55 mp


Green (26/26) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Pat MacLeod NGOC M70 57:44
2 Duncan Innes SWOC M55 63:18
3 Roger Stein SBOC M65 63:34
4 Rebecca Ward NGOC W16 68:27
5 Gill Manning SWOC W65 70:46
6 Simon Williamson SWOC M60 73:12
7 Siobhan Lock SBOC W20 74:11
8 Anthony Raven SWOC M45 74:30
9 Sam Healy SBOC W45 76:13
10 Mike Dobbs SBOC M70 79:01
11 Gill Lock SBOC W55 79:44
12 Frank Ince SWOC M75 81:06
13 Eunice Carter MWOC W50 83:55
14 Peter Ribbans SWOC M60 85:16
15 Deborah Lamb SWOC W21 89:00
16 Rachel Gladstone IND W45 89:29
17 Christopher Raven SWOC M14 92:26
18 Paul Taunton NGOC M65 93:14
19 Rosalind Taunton NGOC W65 94:39
20 Diana McClure SBOC W65 100:41
21 Robert Teed NGOC M75 102:33
22 Peter Maloney NGOC M70 107:36
23 Jane Bush SWOC W60 123:46
24 Peter Colbert SWOC M65 154:58
Michelle Ward NGOC W45 dnf
Mike Forrest BOK M60 dnf


Short Green (3/3) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Anne May SLOW W65 51:38
2 John Fielder BOK M70 80:01
3 Susan Colbert SWOC W70 91:03


Light Green (3/3) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 William Lake SBOC M14 46:35
2 Andrew Raven SWOC M12 51:39
3 Eugene Prout SBOC M16 52:15


Orange (3/3) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Frederick Lake SBOC M12 45:51
2 Jessica Ward NGOC W12 54:53
3 Emily Allin IND W16 80:43


Yellow (1/1) Status of: 5:27 PM


Pl Name Club Text1 Time


1 Angharad Dew IND   78:16


14th April, Sugar Loaf, Abergavenny, Saturday Local Event

14th April, Sugar Loaf, Abergavenny, Saturday Local Event

Blue6.0k 260m

1Clive HallettM55BOK39.08
2Rhys ManningM35SWOC42.35
3Lorenzo CalabroM40BOK42.49
4Jason HowellM45HOC46.03
5Matthew PickeringM21UBOC46.35
6John SimmonsM65BOK52.27
7Paul GebbettM45BOK52.43
8Nick SilkM50SWOC53.49
9Keith AgmenM35BOK56.28
10Quinlan SilkM18SWOC57.47
11Chris BettsM45SWOC58.12
12Christian SaxtoftM55BOK58.31
13David MayM70SLOW60.19
14Jackie HallettW60BOK62.24
15David HarperM60GO63.19
16Adrian MoirM55SWOC64.01
17Fraser StephensM45SWOC65.38
18Brian HughesM70HOC66.18
19Tessa LewisW50SWOC70.10
20Ian KennettM55SWOC70.24
21Chris JohnsonM65BOK75.21
22Mike GoldthorpeM60SOC76.39
23Debbie LambW21SWOC78.21
24Kelvin DaviesM55BOK79.30
25Anthony RavenM45SWOC80.57
26Anthony DewM40SBOC97.06

Green4.4k 240m

1Cecilie AndersenW21BOK36.55
2Alison SimmonsW60BOK48.11
3Alex BettsM14SWOC50.08
4Joel FerrandM21IND59.59
5Annemiwke SilkW50SWOC60.12
6Dave PalmerM70BOK60.30
7Andrew CatmurM60HOC61.11
8Nicola JohnsonW21BOK62.08
9Pete MaliphantM60BOK63.16
10Gill ManningW65SWOC67.56
11Tony LloydM60BOK68.05
12John MillsM65SWOC74.21
13Alan RichardsM70NGOC75.13
14Pete ColbertM65SWOC75.33
15Graham ToughM70SWOC81.54
16Matt SmithM50IND82.16
17Jane HolcombeW45BOK84.35
18Alex GuansM55NGOC85.39
19Keith BuchananM55NGOC94.41
20Jane BoydW50NGOC95.59
21Bob TeedM75NGOC97.50
22Rachel KhanW21UBOC99.24
23John ColemanM75NGOC100.58
24Darren OuldM35IND101.09
25Susanne AndersenW55BOK102.29
26Rachel HowellW45HOC103.03
27Sue ColbertW70SWOC112.40
28Carolyn ThravesW21BOK118.58
29Alun MorganM70SWOC131.15


1Ann PalmerW65BOK35.10
2Beth DaviesW45SWOC37.04
3Tamsin Leighton-CrawfordW21IND41.09
4Alan MackenzieM70BOK41.43
5Richard WebsterM21IND50.20
6Kate MaiphantW55BOK57.57
7Lucy HammondW21IND73.41
8Simone Twohig

24th May 2017 Pontcanna CPS2

24th May 2017 Pontcanna Park Series 2

Handicap results here 


Novice/Junior Course
Pl Name Age Class Club Time
1 Carys Bill Ind 00:16:17
2 Matthew Ind 00:16:20
3 Zac and James Ind 00:18:21
4 Max and Ceri Ind 00:23:29
5 Sammy, Jamie, Awstin, Emma Ind 00:24:22
6 Sophie and Stuart Ind 00:29:20
7 Santino Ahmed Ind 00:34:06
8 Dafydd Pratchett SWOC 00:35:45
9 Pablo Ind 00:38:41
10 Milo ,Tom and Louise Ind 00:40:06
11 Anais and Sophia Ind 00:52:37
Sharon and Anwen Ind 00:23:02 Missing control 6, but a great time.
Cameron Roberts Caerphilly Scouts 00:27:58 Missing control 2
Hannah Deards Ind 00:35:40 Missing control 2
Evan Heard Ind 00:48:55 Missing control 8
Middle Course
Pl Name Age Class Club Time
1 Alec Care M21 SWOC 00:16:10
2 Peter Ribbans M60 SWOC 00:21:58
3 Anthony Raven M45 SWOC 00:21:59
4 Pete Colbert M65 SWOC 00:23:26
5 Gavin Knox M40 Ind 00:24:07 Guessed age class
6 Aled Joseph M12 Ind 00:24:15
7 Christopher Raven M14 SWOC 00:25:19
8 Rachel Haigh W45 Splot 00:26:36
9 Richard Brown M65 Ind 00:26:38
10 Colin Powell M75 SWOC 00:28:47
11 Peter Maloney M70 SWOC 00:29:06
12 Sue Colbert W70 SWOC 00:29:06
13 Dafydd Pratchett M14 SWOC 00:29:06
14 Paul Josua M21 SWOC 00:31:58
15 Harrison Bradford M14 SWOC 00:34:26
16 Paul Bradford M45 SWOC 00:34:58 Guessed age class
17 Sammy, Jamie, Awstin and Emma M10 Ind 00:36:22
18 Judith Powell W75 SWOC 00:42:20
19 Rachel and Angela W21 Ind 00:46:05 Guessed age class
20 James and Leo M12 Caerphilly Scouts 00:47:22
21 Arran M12 Caerphilly Scouts 00:49:06
22 James and Harry M14 Caerphilly Scouts 00:56:34
Anais and Sophia Ind 00:50:24 Missing the last control
Matthew and Oliver Caerphilly Scouts 00:56:08 Missing several
Long Course
Pl Name Age Class Club Time
1 Marcus Pinker M40 SWOC 00:30:26
2 Ake Fagereng M21 SWOC 00:33:55
3 Richard Cronin M21 NGOC 00:37:07
4 Alec Care M21 SWOC 00:37:41
5 Ben Doherty M21 SBOC 00:38:02
6 Christine Farr W40 SWOC 00:40:14
7 Alice Bedwell W55 BOK 00:44:07
8 Duncan Innes M55 SWOC 00:44:32
9 John Mills M65 SWOC 00:49:32
10 Carys Bill W16 Ind 00:51:33
11 Jane Bush W60 SWOC 01:07:21
12 Chris Joseph M35 Caerphilly Scouts 01:19:11
Mick Tabor M60 Ind 00:52:59 Missing control 10
Ricky Ho M40 Ind 01:12:57 Missing control 2

17th May 2017 Score in the Moor 1 – Sugar loaf

17th May 2017 Score in the Moor 1 – Sugar loaf

Thanks to you all for turning out on what became a lovely evening after an un-promising afternoon. The results with scores are as follows, and for those that are interested you can also see the splits and sequence of controls everybody visited. I am pleased to say that nobody managed to visit all the controls though Marcus had a very impressive attempt. I was also glad that every control was visited by at least one competitor.

Many thanks to Peter Maloney, who helped collect all the controls in.

Mark Saunders




10th May 2017 Roath Park

10th May 2017 Roath Park

Thank you all for coming. I think we had about 75 runners altogether. Great to see so many on all the courses. For those of you running the Long you will be pleased to know that when I went to collect the control both the kite and the unit were back together. As this wasn't the case for a lot of the early runners we have taken to the time to and from leg 8 out of the overall times. This doesn't seem to make a big difference as to who finished where, except for Clare, who came back to tell us that the control was missing. Thanks A big thank you also to everyone who helped. All SWOC members, and a few non members seemed to help with some job or other. In particular Mark, who kindly did the results. I will do a handicap for Middle and Long ready to post up at the next event. Four from 6 to count in league. There will be aleague for Novice3 but this will not be based on Age handicap. Hope to see you all in 2 weeks. And do not forget next Wednesday evening 'Score on the Moor' on the Sugarloaf, near Abergavenny. Suitable for all. Nigel


Novice/Junior Course

Pl Name Age Class Club Time
1 Leo & Liam
Caerphilly Scouts 00:10:05

2 Tom Bourton


3 James & Harry
Caerphilly Scouts 00:12:49

4 Eulee


5 Callum & James


6 Frankie And Sophie


7 Austin
Caerphilly Scouts 00:14:45

8 Dafydd Pratchett


9 Demi & Lara
Brownies 00:15:33

10 Olivia & Lily
Brownies 00:16:00

11 Olivia & Kelsey
Brownies 00:16:13

12 Milo & Jess


13 Logan
Caerphilly Scouts 00:16:56

14 Ariella


15 Dafydd & Celine


16 Kinsey & Isabella
Brownies 00:19:23

17 Sophia & Poppy
Brownies 00:19:37

18 Paul Josua


19 James Green


20 Chloe Ambler
BOK 00:19:47

21 James & Alex
Caerphilly Scouts 00:20:33

22 Rachel & Alec


23 Arran
Caerphilly Scouts 00:22:45

Ethan & Rhianna
Caerphilly Scouts 00:11:42
Got them all apart from control 8, but a great time.

Middle Course

Time for Road Crossing point excluded

1 Christine Farr W40 SWOC 00:23:25

2 Huw Davies M21 IND 00:26:07
Age class guessed
3 Paul Josua M21 IND 00:27:36
Age class guessed
4 James Green M21 IND 00:27:33
Age class guessed
5 Pete Ribbans M60 SWOC 00:29:00

6 Dafydd Pratchett M12 IND 00:27:47

7 Anthony Raven M45 SWOC 00:31:12

8 Rachel Haigh W40 SPLOT 00:31:55

9 Eulee W21 IND 00:33:45
Age class guessed
10 Graham Tough M70 SWOC 00:34:32

11 Peter Moloney M70 NGOC 00:35:06

12 Sue Colbert W70 SWOC 00:39:35

13 Colin Powell M75 SWOC 00:40:01

14 Aled M12 Caerphilly Scouts 00:40:56

15 Christopher Raven M12 SWOC 00:42:45

16 Dafydd Hill M14 Caerphilly Scouts 00:46:57

17 Oliver M14 Caerphilly Scouts 00:48:23
Forgot to punch a crossing point control, so time for crossing included
18 Harrison Bradford M14 Caerphilly Scouts 00:58:58

19 Judith Powell W75 SWOC 01:05:00

Matthew M14 Caerphilly Scouts 00:28:06
Missing some controls

Long Course

Time for legs to/from 8 removed

1 Marcus Pinker M40 FVO 00:22:47

2 Ake Fagereng M21 SWOC 00:25:08

3 Mark Ponsford M21 SWOC 00:26:48

6 Ben Doherty M21 SBOC 00:28:04

4 Graeme Ambler M35 BOK 00:28:10

5 Richard Cronin M21 NGOC 00:28:28
Forgot to punch start – given time of 1 minute for 1st control
7 Gary Davies M40 SWOC 00:30:23

8 Alice Bedwell W55 BOK 00:31:36

9 Duncan Innes M55 SWOC 00:32:45

11 Gill Lock W50 SBOC 00:34:39
Forgot to punch start – given time of 1 minute for 1st control
10 John Mills M65 SWOC 00:36:24

12 Matt Stott M21 SWOC 00:38:59

15 Mick Tabor M60 IND 00:40:38

16 Pete Colbert M65 SWOC 00:40:46

13 Bush Kevin M55 SWOC 00:40:52

14 David Pal M50 WRE 00:41:17

Clare Dallimore W21 SWOC dnf