Category Archives: Results

Cardiff Bay 05/06/2024 Results


Cardiff Bay, Results

Cardiff Bay, Results


Long 5.6 km (19 Controls)

1 Ben Mitchell M21 SBOC 27:32 8000047
2 Megan Carter-Davies W21 SBOC 28:55 +1:23 8256763
3 Richard Cronin M35 NGOC 34:17 +6:45 8282828
4 Matt Whipple M35 SWOC 34:47 +7:15 8657425
5 Matt O’Keefe M40 SWOC 35:03 +7:31 8001732
6 Matt Lai M21 IND 36:23 +8:51 2097498
7 Thomas Foord M45 SWOC 36:46 +9:14 8190678
8 Clare Ponsford W35 SWOC 37:10 +9:38 8657456
9 Masataka Tanaka M21 SWOC 37:47 +10:15 8013221
10 James Clemence M60 SWOC 39:19 +11:47 8680940
11 Joseph Killick M21 IND 39:23 +11:51 2097492
12 Richard Edge M45 SWOC 39:42 +12:10 8434446
13 Mark Ponsford M35 SWOC 39:45 +12:13 8003116
14 Robin Irwin M16 SBOC 39:51 +12:19 8091006
15 Dafydd Davies M50 SWOC 42:00 +14:28 2097481
16 Gary Davies M45 SWOC 42:11 +14:39 8077151
17 Rachel Potter W21 BOK 42:40 +15:08 8000885
18 Rachel Lammin W21 IND 44:30 +16:58 2212428
19 Owain Zerilli M21 IND 44:31 +16:59 2212429
20 Tom Baker M40 IND 45:06 +17:34 2097500
21 Esther Woods W21 RAFO 45:50 +18:18 8628706
22 Duncan Innes M60 SWOC 47:06 +19:34 2049784
23 Dave McCullough M21 IND 48:43 +21:11 2212425
24 Gareth Irwin M50 SBOC 51:47 +24:15 2097484
25 Holly Morris W21 IND 52:28 +24:56 2097495
26 Bethan Irwin W45 SBOC 52:44 +25:12 8047878
27 Thomas Edwards M35 IND 53:44 +26:12 2212424
28 Cassie Summers W21 IND 54:18 +26:46 2212426
29 Rudy Mostert M35 IND 54:22 +26:50 2212427
= Andrew Firth M40 SWOC 54:22 +26:50 2145979
31 David Mitchell M65 SBOC 63:36 +36:04 8090558
32 David George M50 IND 64:40 +37:08 2212430
33 Jo Haddon W40 IND 64:47 +37:15 2212431
34 Alexandru Kocsis M35 IND 65:25 +37:53 261865
35 Ainis Pirtnieks   67:22 +39:50 8503945
36 Jacob Haggerty Scouts 78:04 +50:32 401404
37 Lucille Irwin W18 SBOC 78:46 +51:14 2212438
Rhianwen Williams W21 IND MP 2212432

Medium 3.5 km (16 Controls)

1 Camilla Brueton W45 SWOC 26:32 2212423
2 Nick Ashby M50 SWOC 27:06 +0:34 8040774
3 Anthony Raven   28:32 +2:00 8667906
4 Alice Lovett W40 SWOC 28:42 +2:10 2097483
5 Dougie Innes-Farr M14 SWOC 29:22 +2:50 203314
6 Callum Hartley M21 IND 29:27 +2:55 2097489
7 Briony Latter W21 IND 33:08 +6:36 2212435
8 Alan Fishwick M60 IND 34:45 +8:13 2097493
9 Frank Ince M80 SWOC 36:15 +9:43 8261942
10 Graham Tough M80 SWOC 36:57 +10:25 37858
11 Ellen Perry W60 IND 37:26 +10:54 2097499
12 Hector Nash M12 IND 39:40 +13:08 2097494
13 Jane Bush W65 SWOC 40:06 +13:34 8628568
14 Loti Rhys Fidler W10 IND 46:53 +20:21 2097487
15 Sioned Mai Fidler W40 IND 47:00 +20:28 2097485
16 Rhys Fidler M40 IND 47:06 +20:34 2097486
= Mabli Rhys Fidler W12 IND 47:06 +20:34 2097488
18 Tomos Scogings Scouts 49:27 +22:55 401389
= Mila Rusko-Szarka Scouts 49:27 +22:55 401398
20 Ailbhe Darcy W40 SWOC 50:28 +23:56 2097490
21 Noah Gruber M12 IND 61:53 +35:21 2212433
22 Ayla Gruber W10 IND 62:14 +35:42 2212434
23 Ryan Bladen-Chalk   70:48 +44:16 439057
24 Gethyn Emery Scouts 70:52 +44:20 401394
Christine Farr W45 SWOC MP 342253
Peter Ribbans M65 SWOC MP 8641854
Rachel Haigh W50 IND MP 221220
Donna Grant W45 SWOC MP 2212421
Finlay Proctor Scouts MP 401390

Short 2.6 km (14 Controls)

1 Rachel Dimelow   17:19 2212439
2 Hannah Scott-Rees W21 IND 30:15 +12:56 2097496
3 Sofia Smith   30:29 +13:10 2212437
4 Ffion Grant W12 SWOC 34:23 +17:04 2212422
5 Dylan Mahony Scouts 43:43 +26:24 401399
6 Daniel Johnson Scouts 43:46 +26:27 401392
7 Gethin Skyrme M14 SWOC 48:50 +31:31 2097491
Lauren Williams   MP 2212436

Roath Park 22/05/2024 Results

Long 7.5km, 80m
1Elliott JenkinsM21 IND30.04
2Owain ZerilliM21 IND30.20
3Masataka TanakaM21 SWOC31.55
4Thomas FoordM45 SWOC34.27
5Gary DaviesM45 SWOC36.16
6Robin IrwinM16 SBOC36.28
7James ClemenceM60 SWOC37.47
8Dafydd DaviesM50 SWOC38.12
9Andrew RavenM18 SWOC38.38
10Richard EdgeM45 SWOC38.40
11Esther WoodsW21 RAFO39.14
12Joseph KillickM21 IND40.16
13Cassie SommersW21 IND41.15
14Rob WoodsM55 RAFO41.28
15Rachel LamminW21 IND43.08
16Florence HainesW21 AROS43.42
17Duncan InnesM60 SWOC45.22
18Morgan JonesM21 IND45.35
19Nathaniel PalmerM50 SWOC47.43
20Patrik DahlM21 SWOC48.10
21Bethan IrwinW45 SBOC48.19
22Saskia JonesW21 SWOC49.43
23Amy PeltorW40 SBOC49.43
Andrew DouglasM21 IND*35.36w7
Marcus PinkerM50 FVOdns
Clive CaffallM60 NGOCdns
Medium 4km 10m
runner-nameclub-nameTime taken
1Clare PonsfordW35 SWOC18.44
2David SewardM35 IND21.05
3Camilla BruetonW45 SWOC21.23
4Christine FarrW45 SWOC21.54
5Menna EnticottW21 IND22.11
6Euan EnticottM21 IND22.15
7William MorganM14 IND22.28
8Jacob HaggertyScout 1022.58
9David PowleslandM35 SWOC23.15
10Christopher MorganM40 IND23.35
11Anthony RavenM50 SWOC23.36
12Alice LovettW40 SWOC24.15
13Dougie Innes-FarrM14 SWOC25.41
14David GrantM45 SWOC26.03
15Nick AshbyM50 SWOC26.37
16Dylan PowellScout26.49
17Katie PetersonW21 SWOC27.11
18Andrea DarlingtonW50 IND27.17
19Callum HartleyM21 IND27.20
20Austin BradfordScout27.33
21Ella SlaterW2131.04
22Donna GrantW4533.23
23Peter MaloneyM80 NGOC34.00
24Jane BushW65 SWOC36.44
25Harvey SchuylerM12 IND41.47
26Tomos ScogingsScout45.34
27Alun MorganM80 SWOC52.39
28Ryan Bladen-ChalkScout68.27
29Dafydd PowellScout68.38
Mark PonsfordW35 SWOC*20.07m 10,12,16
Lucy MarshW35 IND*35.43w12
Emma WilkinsW45 IND*35.48w12
Leona BattenW21 INDdns
Luke PeltorM14 SBOCdns
Peter RibbansM65 SWOCdns
Short 1.4km 5m
runner-nameclub-nameTime taken
1Efan Garwood-PaskScout10.25
2Tommy LewisScout10.25
3Sofia SmithW10 IND10.40
4Dylan FlannaganScout11.11
5Chris PageScout11.15
6Ben DaviesScout12.02
7Ben HardinghamScout12.05
8Alfie HickmanScout12.11
9Leo MenziesScout12.11
10Hannah ScottW21 IND12.28
11Noah GruberM12 IND13.46
12Elin Garwood-PaskScout15.03
13Zac FlannaganScout15.03
14Emily GoldsmithScout15.06
15Isabelle PembrokeScout15.14
16Ayla GruberW10 IND15.19
17Sebastian RedbandM10 IND15.38
18Ffion GrantW12 IND15.52
19Bert HarveyScout17.04
20Rosie CravenScout17.41
21Megan CravenScout17.44
22Harry CoxScout18.46
23Leo EdwardsScout18.48
24Mila Rusko-SzarkaScout18.57
25Gethyn EmeryScout18.58
26Natasha KongW21 IND22.13
27Kellan MurphyScout23.57
28Hayden LaiScout24.05
29Isaac ThomasScout27.54
30Thomas MullenScout27.54
31Charlie PriceScout28.03
32Oscar PrettyScout28.09
Daniel JohnsonScout*15.33m 9
Charlotte DanielW40 BOKdns
Alex GrabhamScoutdns
Tasker EdwardsScoutdns
Hannah ScottW21 IND

Gwaelod 18/05/2024 Results


Blue 4.9 km 260 m (19 Controls)

1Marcus PinkerM50 FVO43:318428248
2Iain LargeM35 BOK43:37+0:068129909
3Thomas FoordM45 SWOC43:43+0:128190678
4Robin IrwinM16 SBOC45:34+2:038091006
5Masataka TanakaM21 SWOC54:20+10:498013221
6Andrew Raven 55:23+11:528680543
7Bethan IrwinW45 SBOC56:48+13:178047878
8Elliot JenkinsM21 IND60:16+16:452212424
9Anthony RavenSWOC68:42+25:118667906
10Darren ShawM4586:29+42:582097490
11Clive Caffall 94:19+50:488676072
12Richard EdgeM45 SWOC94:55+51:248434446
13Nia WeinzweigW35 SWOC113:19+69:482212423
Michael DarkeM40MP2097499
Hannah Large MP8129829
Joshua TrembleyM21MP2097493
Dafydd DaviesM50 SWOCMP2097489

Green 3.4 km 180 m (14 Controls)

1Roger SteinSBOC53:048071053
2David PowleslandSWOC53:29+0:252212432
3Eira JepsonInd55:38+2:342212425
4Andrew FrithSWOC59:41+6:372145979
5Nick AshbyM50 SWOC63:56+10:528040774
6David UnderhillM35 SWOC64:15+11:112212426
7Patrick DahlSWOC67:33+14:292212435
8Peter RibbansSWOC69:46+16:428641854
9Peter ColbertM70 SWOC78:19+25:152800209
10Esther ShawW4579:37+26:332097491
11Ben CoatesM2182:25+29:212097484
12Briony LatterW2182:28+29:242097483
13Gary WatersSBOC94:10+41:068509119
14Peter MaloneyM80 NGOC98:32+45:282127445
Alan RichardsNGOCMP261207

Light Green 2.4 km 130 m (17 Controls)

1Davy SewardM3537:052097481
2Ailbhe DarcyW4088:37+51:322097488
3Dylan PowellM1495:52+58:472212428
4Finlay Procter 97:22+60:172212431
5Susan ColbertW75 SWOC117:23+80:18222321
6Leona BattenW21129:37+92:322212422

Orange 1.6 km 60 m (10 Controls)

1Hector NashM1222:592097498
2Owen ShawM1429:07+6:082097492
3Rachel + Paul Garside 32:05+9:062212434
4Noah GruberM14 IND32:57+9:582097494
5Ayla GruberW1033:04+10:052097495
6Ollie DaviesIND34:31+11:322212433
7Jude LargeM1043:15+20:162097496
8Jocelyn BedfordW1048:53+25:542097497
9Dafydd PowellW10 IND53:05+30:062212427
10Dylan Mahoney 53:08+30:092212429
11Eira BettsW1056:58+33:592097486
12Cameron BettsM1058:37+35:382097485
13Trystan DarkeW10 IND65:13+42:142212421

Created 2024-05-18 17:41:15 with SI-Droid Event 1.15.11

Heath Park Results 08/05/2024

Heath Park 2024, Splits

Long 8.4 km (22 Controls)

1Elliott JenkinsM21 IND43:492097499
2Marcus PinkerM50 FVO47:19+3:308428248
3Gary DaviesM45 SWOC50:19+6:302212431
4James ClemenceM60 SWOC51:16+7:278680940
5Alex PeltorM16 SBOC51:28+7:392097487
6Masataka TanakaM21 SWOC51:48+7:598013221
7Andrew RavenM18 SWOC53:33+9:448680543
8Mark PonsfordM35 SWOC54:25+10:369102792
9Richard EdgeM45 SWOC54:56+11:078434446
10Andrew DouglasM21 IND55:45+11:562097500
11Rob WoodsM55 RAFO57:21+13:328628707
12Rachel LamminW21 IND57:28+13:392212423
13Owain ZerilliM21 IND57:31+13:422212424
14Tom BakerM40 IND58:50+15:012097486
15Duncan InnesM60 SWOC60:28+16:392049784
16Esther WoodsW21 RAFO64:15+20:268628706
17Amy PeltorW40 SBOC70:39+26:502097491
18Nathaniel Palmer 75:24+31:352212440
19Bethan IrwinW45 SBOC75:53+32:048047878
20Morgan JonesM21 IND77:43+33:542212429
21Ella Oakley-SlaterW21 IND77:44+33:552212430
Thomas FoordM45 SWOCMP8190678
Matt LaiM21 INDMP2212422
Joseph KillickM21 INDMP2097481
Susan BettsW40 INDMP2097484
Caroline DallimoreSWOCDNF7205307

Medium 4.0 km (15 Controls)

1Christine FarrW45 SWOC27:36342253
2Christopher parsons 29:23+1:47401411
3Emily PeltorW16 SBOC31:41+4:052097488
4Nick AshbyM50 SWOC35:58+8:228040774
5Dougie Innes-FarrM14 SWOC36:31+8:55203314
6Anthony RavenM50 SWOC36:55+9:198667906
7William MorganM14 IND37:23+9:472097494
8Christopher MorganM40 IND37:27+9:512097493
9Pablo NunezM14 SWOC37:56+10:202097497
10Leona Batten 41:12+13:362212446
11Daniel BovillM10 NGOC41:33+13:578509167
12Katie PetersonW21 IND42:16+14:402212425
13Kevin BushM65 SWOC44:40+17:048628657
14Andrew RobertsM55 IND45:14+17:38221225
15Briony LatterW21 IND47:28+19:522097485
16Peter ColbertM70 SWOC49:51+22:152800209
17Jane BushW65 SWOC50:50+23:148628568
18Donna Grant 51:12+23:362212448
19Alys Grant 51:18+23:422212447
20Peter MaloneyM80 NGOC54:16+26:402127445
21Dylan Powell 62:27+34:51401386
22Jake T 63:48+36:12401410
23Ailbhe DarcyW40 IND67:02+39:262097483
24Tom Scogings 68:31+40:55401389
25Mike Jones 69:20+41:44401412
26Susan ColbertW75 SWOC75:15+47:39222321
27Seren Tanguay 77:03+49:27439052
28Lottie Smanle 77:43+50:07401413
29Emilia Jones 77:55+50:19439051
30Finlay Proctor 113:06+85:30401390
31Rachel HaighW50 IND620:43+593:07221220
David May MP8082607
Dougie king MP439053
Reuben McCartney MP439055
Luca Harris MP439058
Herb Andrews MP439057
Osian Floyd MP439056
Dafydd Powell MP401385
Will Austin MP439059
Alan FishwickM60 INDMP2097496
Alun MorganM80 SWOCMP260248
George Jones MP439065

Easy 2.8 km (12 Controls)

1Anna PeltorW18 SBOC29:302097490
2Callum HartleyM21 Ind30:00+0:302097495
3Luke PeltorM14 SBOC36:53+7:232097489
4Gareth HartM50 IND37:55+8:252212426
5Fiona Guy 41:42+12:122212445
6Flora Davies 45:25+15:552212458
7Hannah ScottW21 IND53:56+24:262097492
8George Schilling 68:07+38:37401395
9Alex Grabham 68:09+38:39401396
10Alfie Hickman 78:13+48:43401407
11Daniel Johnson 78:22+48:52401392
Sebastian Radbad MP2212443
Elora SimpsonW10 INDMP2212428
Céce Stamper-WebsterW10 INDMP2212427
Anna LuGuidesMP2212457
Barney MP2212452
Alex W MP439064
Austin PJ MP439062
Eryl J MP439070
Arthur Horton MP401409
Mila Rusko-Szarka MP401398
Summer Jones MP401397
Gethyn Emery MP401394
Henry P MP439061
Preston PJ MP439063
Finley M MP439066
Dylan Mahoney MP401399
Charlie Price MP401401
Paul Mcgrath DNF2212444
Lilly R DNF439060
Manon T DNF439068

Created 2024-05-08 22:39:31 with SI-Droid Event 1.15.11

Welsh Championships 2024 Pwll Du 03/03/2024

Live Results, Splits and Analysis on SiCenter

OE12 Results by Class

OE12 Results by Course

WinSplits by Course


WOA Hall of Fame

Organisers comments

Many thanks to all of you for turning up and helping to make the event a success.

I’m sure you will all endorse my thanks to the small team of volunteers who as always were willing to help out. Especially those who stepped in at short notice to help put out controls on Saturday afternoon. You would not have wanted to have been out on the competition area Saturday morning.

Thanks to the Fireman’s Shovel Tearoom. They said can I pass on their gratitude with your patience when they were having electricity issues. Also to the Pontypool & Blaenavon railway who provided an ideal assembly area. It would also not have been possible to stage the event without the support of the landowners Duke of Beaufort Estate & Walters Mining.

I also have to individually mention Laurence Snowden the planner and Alice Bedwell the controller who made this event possible.

Pete Ribbans

Llantrisant Forest local & WNL 20/1/2024



Yellow1.9 km 40 m (6 Controls)

1Alfie HickmanM12 Scouts57:58401389
2Anna JonesW10 IND69:06+11:08401411

Orange2.1 km 90 m (8 Controls)

1Jenni NellistW45 SBOC45:35401413
2Donal HalloranM14 IND48:50+3:15439053
3Dylan PowellM14 IND48:52+3:17401409
4Dafydd PowellM16 IND49:10+3:35439055
5Sam PayneM12 SBOC49:58+4:23439058
6Jacob HaggertyM14 IND50:30+4:55439052
7Cerys WilliamsW16 IND59:38+14:038400685
Sion RowlandsM50 INDMP439070
Seb Hopkins-JonesM10 SWOCMP401394

Green4.2 km 160 m (12 Controls)

1Rhys WilliamsM50 IND59:52401412
2Peter RibbansM65 SWOC83:42+23:508641854
3Kevin BushM65 SWOC83:52+24:008628657
4Pete ColbertM70 SWOC97:05+37:132800209
5Gary WatersM75 SBOC105:31+45:398509119
6Isabelle NevettW21 IND105:59+46:07439065
David MayM75 SLOWMP8082607
Peter MaloneyM80 NGOCMP2127445
Jane BushW65 SWOCMP8628568

Blue5.4 km 160 m (18 Controls)

1Bethan IrwinW45 SBOC64:508047878
2Kerina LakeW45 SBOC70:36+5:461978730
3Niall ReynoldsM60 SBOC72:53+8:031961227
4Margaret ReynoldsW60 SBOC75:17+10:271961168
5Anthony RavenM50 SWOC78:58+14:088667906
6Ainis PirtnieksM60 SWOC90:06+25:168503945
7Nia WeinzweigW35 SWOC139:17+74:27401410

WNL60 min (27 Controls)

1Ben MitchellM21 SBOC540 p(62:35)8000047
2Richard CroninM35 NGOC410 p(58:24)8282828
3Thomas FoordM45 SWOC380 p(57:04)8190678
4Ifor PowellM55 BOK370 p(58:53)8100468
5Megan Carter-DaviesW21 SBOC320 p(40:38)8256763
6Tommi GroverM45 BOK300 p(58:33)8210876
7Doug WilsonM55 NGOC220 p(57:14)8657540
8Christine FarrW45 SWOC210 p(59:08)342253
9Sara CurrieW40 BOK190 p(57:27)8270681
10Greg BestM60 NGOC180 p(61:14)8180362
11Chris AtkinsM45 BOK180 p(63:45)8223211
12Dougie Innes-FarrM12 SWOC110 p(53:59)203314
13Stephen WilliamsM65 NGOC110 p(59:05)8214525
14Jill ManningW75 SWOC100 p(59:28)8657539
15Carolyn DentW60 BOK70 p(56:41)8140962

Created 2024-01-20 23:02:06 with SI-Droid Event 1.15.8

Xmas Score 28/12/2023

Thanks to Clare, Mark & Iris for organising.


Wenallt Ho Ho O, Results


Score 60 min (31 Controls)

1Thomas FoordM45 SWOC380 p(60:53)8190678
2Duncan InnesM60 SWOC360 p(58:11)2049784
3Niall ReynoldsM60 SBOC360 p(59:48)1961227
4James ClemenceM60 SWOC360 p(61:45)8680940
5Robin IrwinM14 SBOC350 p(58:26)8091006
6Reuben LawsonM18 NGOC340 p(55:14)8038707
7Christine FarrW45 SWOC340 p(60:48)342253
8Marcus PerryM14 BOK330 p(59:51)8477536
9Robin BishopM55 TVOC330 p(60:16)8411148
10Chloe PotterW21 SYO320 p(60:14)8199529
11Haydn GriffithsM60 SWOC300 p(57:57)430416
12Christopher RavenSWOC300 p(59:39)439068
13Andrew RavenM18 SWOC300 p(61:12)8680543
14Richard SharpM55 TVOC290 p(60:36)2089673
15Eira JepsonW21 IND260 p(55:33)401395
16William MorganM12 IND260 p(59:31)401410
17Bethan MorganW10 IND260 p(59:36)401411
18David UnderhillM35 SWOC250 p(53:50)401396
19Vanessa LawsonW50 NGOC250 p(57:24)8670602
20Samuel Taunton 250 p(60:27)8328638
21Anthony RavenM50 SWOC250 p(61:10)8667906
22Dougie Innes-FarrM12 SWOC250 p(61:21)203314
23Helen SharpW55 TVOC230 p(53:48)32805
24Duncan PerryM50 BOK230 p(57:08)8337979
25Tessa LewisW55 SWOC230 p(64:17)414094
26Richard EdwardsM60 PFO210 p(59:31)8210163
27Stuart Lewis 210 p(68:59)414158
28Paul TauntonM70 NGOC200 p(57:03)8328138
29Rosalind TauntonW70 NGOC190 p(59:33)8328268
30Caroline PotterW60 BOK190 p(59:44)8363931
31Margaret ReynoldsW60 SBOC180 p(58:26)1961168
32David PowleslandM35 SWOC180 p(63:19)439055
33439066 180 p(76:20)439066
34Charlotte EllissW35 RAFO170 p(54:23)8628713
35Sam CottleM21 BOK170 p(56:53)8111711
36David SewardM60 Malarutta170 p(57:04)8310269
37Rachel PotterW21 BOK170 p(62:59)8000885
38Gwenda PerryW50 BOK160 p(55:57)1426921
39Peter RibbansM65 SWOC160 p(60:24)8641854
40Gareth IrwinM50 SBOC150 p(69:06)401405
41Carys SharpW18 TVOC130 p(68:31)8505680
42Nigel FerrandM65 SWOC120 p(57:18)8450970
43NoahM12 IND120 p(59:59)439070
44Joseph KillickM21 IND110 p(61:53)401401
45Jane FinchW60 IND100 p(60:25)401392
46Alfie Foord-BoyleM10 IND90 p(51:27)439053
47Ian GoodwinM65 SO90 p(56:39)8064349
48harriet and adrian 90 p(59:21)401412
49Lorraine KelseyW35 IND80 p(60:13)439051
50Andrew CollinsM45 IND80 p(60:16)439052
51Euan 80 p(60:20)401413
52Gill FarrellW40 IND70 p(60:17)401394
53Brendan BurkeM60 IND50 p(54:54)401404
54Maxine RhodesW55 IND50 p(55:02)401403
55Ian StandenM60 BOF0 p(85:14)401391
56Lucy HammondW50 BOF0 p(85:28)401390
57Rachel FlintW35 IND0 p(85:31)401398
58Winnie HodgeW12 IND0 p(88:27)401389
59Ted HodgeM10 IND0 p(88:28)401386

Created 2023-12-28 18:47:07 with SI-Droid Event 1.15.8

Blorenge Results 28th October 2023


This was my first attempt at event organisation, and I would like to thank Ian Kennent who planned the courses and most importantly guided me through the process.

Also, many thanks to Graham Tough who dealt with the timing systems. Thanks for those orienteers who attended the event, particularly to those who travelled from ‘out of area’. Credit must be given to those orienteers who attended this event and then participated in the ‘Western Night League’ event later that evening.

Also, it was pleasing to see a wide range of experience and ages from very young children to super veterans. Fortunately, the worst of the weather held off, and it was dry for most of the morning, therefore most of the orienteers seemed to enjoy the day.

Post event it was nice to hear some words of appreciation from those attended.

If there is any feedback or lessons to be learned, please let me know.

Best wishes John Townsend