Category Archives: Uncategorised

Maprun League with Age/Sex handicaps

PosNameAge ClassHandicapPenarthLlandaf NorthHeathWhitchurch CaerauCathaysRhiwbinaBest 4
1James ClemenceM300.761000991001009998399
1Alice BedwellW210.6699010000100100399
3Tom FoordM450.89000999910097395
4Richard EdgeM450.8998999497100093394
5Richard CroninM600.99951008787989895391
6Duncan InnesM600.7609693100967692385
7Elliott JenkinsW601940959497970383
8Mark SaundersM750.7697096009694383
9Dafydd Trystan DaviesM210.89938892960900371
10Ellie ClemenceM600.8890909184949389368
11Graham ToughM350.687009309488362
12Joseph KillickM45100827989910341
13Nia WM210.85086787890780332
14Hannah DarlingtonW350.88091767582680324
15Rudy MostertW450.968207210006470324
16Cassie SummersW210.87840808106774319
17Peter RibbansW350.788000888854318
18Isabelle NevettM650.88800758606965310
19Emma WilkinsW400.82797807281600310
20Jo RileyW450.7973836808300307
21Sue BettsW210.8585856566000301
22Clare DM400.8509710000099296
23Gareth HartM500.8577007306278290
24Gary DaviesW210.890009209596283
25Christine FarrW300.7909569005956279
26Rachel DarlingtonM350.8800737406364274
27Mark PM450.960090880090268
28Nathaniel PalmerW450.850009587850267
29Florence HainesM210.880000938384260
30Kate DarlingtonM500.790940910740259
31Andrew DouglasW2118907982000250
32Andrew RobertsM550.850820086700238
33Justin PocknellM450.827808176000235
34Katie PetersonM400.870007007579224
35Paul AdamsW300.897507768000220
36Christopher MorganM450.930071800057208
37Marcus PinkerW350.890100970000197
38Andrew FirthM450.93009890000188
39George TordoffM650.89008998000187
40Darke SimonM350.7008509100176
41Andy GardinerM350.96008800087175
42John SeawardW250.96089085000174
43Thomas ThorntonM350.99910000810172
44Harry ShearerM301000008982171
45Pierre Victor-LemaireW500.99000008085165
46Holly MorrisM300.88810840000165
47Andy FirthM500.93000084080164
48Rachel HaighW500.75079008500164
49Ian MulcahyM400.99960000610157
50Andrea DarlingtonM550.75084000730157
51Rheanna ColyerM350.82008300071154
52Da PowleslandW400.96087000650152
53Gemma MullerW300.88000007772149
54Zoe PelechM600.87006767000134
55Nathan SwainM600.960930000093
56Mark PalserM210.960000920092
57Steve CollinsW400.829200000092
58Adrian MoirW500.760920000092
59Ian GoudgeM550.890000009191
60Andy StottW350.760008900089
61James BakerW4010000087087
62Will ArnoldM4010086000086
63Jacob TupperW650.980000086086
64Vanessa JonesM300.828600000086
65David SewardW450.760000008686
66Tom BakerW350.930000084084
67Jack HockingM210.990000008383
68Rog MorrisW300.828300000083
69Gill StottW650.610008300083
70Megan GorryW400.870000082082
71Becky HolmesM500.820810000081
72Nath FernandesM120.990000800080
73Karen ElversW500.750800000080
74James BowenW2110000079079
75Megan PoulsonW210.880000007777
76Megan LawtonW210.880000007676
77Charlotte EllissW350.857600000076
78Craig JonesM2117400000074
79Jodie RochfordW210.880074000074
80Inge ElfferichW210.880000007373
81Matt St ClairM400.930000072072
82Helena GoodeW300.870007100071
83Richard JonesM550.820000071071
84Dougie Innes-farrM120.840070000070
85Davy SewardM350.960000006969
86Jackie FraryW350.850006900069
87Matt EvansM2110000006868
88Scott PlaceM2110000006767
89Magda WatersW400.820066000066
90Lianne ReesW450.790000006666
91Justn PocknellM550.820000066066
92Donna GrantW450.790006500065
93Huw PhillipsM500.850064000064
94Kate BraybrookW400.820000006363
95Will MorganM120.840000006262
96Emily GriffithsW210.880000006161
97Katherine FretwellW300.870000006060
98Reuben BraybrookM180.960000005959
99Dewi HillM400.930000005858
100Gareth ClubbM450.890000058058
101Zoë WilderW450.790000005555

Kingswood Splits

Kingswood Score, Split times

Kingswood Score, Split times


Score (31)60 min 19 C max 380 p  
PlName / ClubTime 
1Ben Mitchell380 p (54:16)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)113(20 p)
 110(20 p)119(20 p)115(20 p)111(20 p)116(20 p)112(20 p)114(20 p)103(20 p)117(20 p)Finish 
2Megan Carter-Davies310 p (62:17)103(20 p)114(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)111(20 p)115(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)
 SBOCpenalty: 30 p1:271:274:192:528:053:469:541:4918:238:2922:394:1628:065:2729:561:5032:422:4636:504:08
 107(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)105(20 p)102(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
3David May240 p (58:54)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)113(20 p)110(20 p)
 117(20 p)103(20 p)Finish 
4Dan Font240 p (61:31)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)
 penalty: 20 p2:242:246:574:3310:053:0813:303:2519:065:3622:423:3625:092:2730:265:1734:123:4639:255:13
 110(20 p)119(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
5Christine Farr220 p (56:02)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)
 103(20 p)Finish 
6Mark Ponsford220 p (58:15)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)103(20 p)
 114(20 p)Finish 
7Duncan Innes220 p (58:54)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)104(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)
 103(20 p)Finish 
8Nick Dallimore220 p (59:30)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)
 103(20 p)Finish 
9James Clemence220 p (61:57)101(20 p)116(20 p)112(20 p)114(20 p)103(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)
 SWOCpenalty: 20 p3:103:109:196:0916:257:0620:354:1023:312:5631:348:0334:363:0238:203:4443:124:5246:203:08
 106(20 p)118(20 p)Finish 
10Laurence Snowden200 p (55:27)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)103(20 p)
11Pauly-D Jones200 p (55:54)101(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)111(20 p)115(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)103(20 p)114(20 p)
12Adrian Moir200 p (57:49)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)107(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)103(20 p)
13John Mills180 p (56:34)103(20 p)117(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)114(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)101(20 p)102(20 p)Finish 
14Saskia Jones180 p (59:11)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)117(20 p)103(20 p)Finish 
15Nigel Ferrand160 p (57:16)101(20 p)114(20 p)103(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)118(20 p)106(20 p)Finish 
16Margaret Reynolds160 p (58:00)103(20 p)115(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)113(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)Finish 
17Niall Reynolds160 p (69:22)103(20 p)117(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)113(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)
 SBOCpenalty: 100 p4:344:347:483:1412:495:0116:153:2623:046:4928:205:1631:273:0736:465:1941:314:4546:214:50
 105(20 p)102(20 p)108(20 p)Finish 
18Peter Colbert140 p (57:57)103(20 p)117(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)115(20 p)116(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
19Jill Manning140 p (58:59)101(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)115(20 p)114(20 p)103(20 p)117(20 p)Finish 
20Kevin Bush120 p (59:47)101(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)111(20 p)115(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
21Peter Ribbans120 p (63:28)101(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)111(20 p)115(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)103(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 40 p3:233:2311:338:1014:232:5027:4713:2434:517:0446:3011:3951:405:1061:289:4863:282:00
22Roger Stein120 p (69:59)103(20 p)117(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)113(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)
 SBOCpenalty: 100 p4:044:049:185:1414:144:5618:304:1627:168:4635:278:1140:154:4846:406:2550:223:4256:466:24
 105(20 p)Finish 
23Douglas Innes-Farr100 p (52:36)103(20 p)119(20 p)110(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)Finish 
24Tessa Lewis90 p (62:29)104(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)105(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 30 p7:387:3812:314:5319:567:2523:283:3228:505:2258:1529:2562:294:14
25Rose Snowden80 p (61:45)101(20 p)108(20 p)102(20 p)105(20 p)103(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 20 p14:0714:0724:2110:1442:0417:4349:477:4359:209:3361:452:25
26Frank Ince70 p (62:23)105(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 30 p8:358:3519:3711:0229:299:5235:205:5155:3420:1462:236:49
27Peter Maloney40 p (65:10)103(20 p)114(20 p)101(20 p)118(20 p)105(20 p)Finish 
 NGOCpenalty: 60 p4:564:5612:367:4023:5311:1745:4721:5457:2811:4165:107:42
28Anne May30 p (70:08)101(20 p)112(20 p)116(20 p)111(20 p)115(20 p)114(20 p)103(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 110 p5:255:2517:4212:1722:304:4834:5512:2545:4210:4759:3313:5166:457:1270:083:23
29Jane Bush0 p (71:08)103(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)115(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 80 p4:394:3934:0629:2739:415:3556:2916:4871:0814:39
30Susan Colbert0 p (73:05)101(20 p)114(20 p)115(20 p)119(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 80 p5:545:5415:119:1727:1512:0446:5819:4373:0526:07
31Bridget Stein0 p (77:44)114(20 p)103(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)105(20 p)Finish 
 SBOCpenalty: 140 p17:5217:5222:464:5430:027:1642:0011:5848:596:5957:338:3468:2910:5677:449:15

Created 2020-11-29 15:48:56 with SI-Droid Event 1.11.1

Hailey Pk Splits

Hailey Pk. 14/11/20, Split times
Medium (12)2.9 km 18 C  
PlName / ClubTime 
 1 (136)2 (135)3 (157)4 (152)5 (156)6 (145)7 (133)8 (132)9 (131)10 (137)
 11 (140)12 (155)13 (143)14 (144)15 (139)16 (146)17 (138)18 (151)Finish
1Pete Colbert29:30-:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  
 M65 SWOC                               
 -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  29:30  
2John Dickson31:092:14+0:26(6)4:30+0:14(4)4:55+0:19(4)6:56+0:41(2)7:55+0:48(2)9:16+0:36(2)9:36+0:27(2)11:24+0:45(2)12:16+0:46(2)15:34+0:00(1)
 M45 IND 2:14+0:26(6)2:16+0:10(4)0:25+0:06(4)2:01+0:24(5)0:59+0:10(5)1:21+0:00(1)0:20+0:00(1)1:48+0:18(7)0:52+0:07(3)3:18+0:37(4)
3Eos Dickson31:132:22+0:34(8)4:34+0:18(5)5:02+0:26(5)7:04+0:49(3)8:03+0:56(3)9:27+0:47(3)9:50+0:41(3)11:28+0:49(3)12:21+0:51(3)15:48+0:14(2)
 W12 IND 2:22+0:34(8)2:12+0:06(3)0:28+0:09(6)2:02+0:25(6)0:59+0:10(5)1:24+0:03(2)0:23+0:03(2)1:38+0:08(5)0:53+0:08(4)3:27+0:46(5)
4Andrew Roberts31:402:11+0:23(5)4:17+0:01(2)4:36+0:00(1)6:15+0:00(1)7:07+0:00(1)8:40+0:00(1)9:09+0:00(1)10:39+0:00(1)11:30+0:00(1)17:12+1:38(6)
 M50 IND 2:11+0:23(5)2:06+0:00(1)0:19+0:00(1)1:39+0:02(2)0:52+0:03(2)1:33+0:12(4)0:29+0:09(6)1:30+0:00(1)0:51+0:06(2)5:42+3:01(9)
5Anne May35:012:15+0:27(7)4:51+0:35(6)5:18+0:42(6)7:13+0:58(5)8:26+1:19(6)10:22+1:42(6)10:50+1:41(6)12:46+2:07(7)13:47+2:17(7)17:51+2:17(7)
 W70 SWOC 2:15+0:27(7)2:36+0:30(6)0:27+0:08(5)1:55+0:18(4)1:13+0:24(8)1:56+0:35(8)0:28+0:08(5)1:56+0:26(8)1:01+0:16(8)4:04+1:23(7)
6Rachel Haigh35:161:48+0:00(1)5:52+1:36(7)6:12+1:36(7)7:58+1:43(7)8:51+1:44(7)10:30+1:50(7)10:56+1:47(7)12:35+1:56(6)13:29+1:59(6)16:58+1:24(5)
 W50 IND 1:48+0:00(1)4:04+1:58(8)0:20+0:01(2)1:46+0:09(3)0:53+0:04(3)1:39+0:18(5)0:26+0:06(3)1:39+0:09(6)0:54+0:09(5)3:29+0:48(6)
7Emma Wilkins36:412:07+0:19(3)4:16+0:00(1)4:53+0:17(3)7:13+0:58(5)8:10+1:03(5)9:52+1:12(4)10:26+1:17(4)12:00+1:21(4)12:57+1:27(4)16:14+0:40(3)
 W40 Ind 2:07+0:19(3)2:09+0:03(2)0:37+0:18(7)2:20+0:43(8)0:57+0:08(4)1:42+0:21(6)0:34+0:14(7)1:34+0:04(2)0:57+0:12(6)3:17+0:36(2)
7Fiona Guy36:412:08+0:20(4)4:26+0:10(3)4:50+0:14(2)7:09+0:54(4)8:09+1:02(4)9:52+1:12(4)10:26+1:17(4)12:01+1:22(5)12:58+1:28(5)16:15+0:41(4)
 W35 IND 2:08+0:20(4)2:18+0:12(5)0:24+0:05(3)2:19+0:42(7)1:00+0:11(7)1:43+0:22(7)0:34+0:14(7)1:35+0:05(3)0:57+0:12(6)3:17+0:36(2)
9Peter Maloney39:27-:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  
 M75 NGOC                               
 -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  39:27  
10Sue Colbert41:20-:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  
 W70 SWOC                               
 -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  -:–  41:20  
11Nick Ashby45:242:30+0:42(9)6:04+1:48(8)6:43+2:07(8)9:40+3:25(8)11:01+3:54(8)13:10+4:30(8)13:56+4:47(8)16:29+5:50(8)17:59+6:29(8)23:10+7:36(8)
 M45 SWOC 2:30+0:42(9)3:34+1:28(7)0:39+0:20(8)2:57+1:20(9)1:21+0:32(9)2:09+0:48(9)0:46+0:26(9)2:33+1:03(9)1:30+0:45(9)5:11+2:30(8)
Frank InceMP1:53+0:05(2)-:–  4:08  5:45  6:34  8:03  8:30  10:05  10:50  13:31  
 M75 SWOC 1:53+0:05(2)   -:–  1:37+0:00(1)0:49+0:00(1)1:29+0:08(3)0:27+0:07(4)1:35+0:05(3)0:45+0:00(1)2:41+0:00(1)
 15:07  17:12  20:01  21:21  22:25  25:21  26:33  26:53  27:04  
 Ideal time:25:231:48 2:06 0:19 1:37 0:49 1:21 0:20 1:30 0:45 2:41 
 1:36 2:05 1:51 1:20 0:52 2:56 0:56 0:20 0:11 

Long (15)4.6 km 21 C  
PlName / ClubTime 
 1 (146)2 (154)3 (136)4 (150)5 (147)6 (141)7 (142)8 (153)9 (143)10 (144)
 11 (140)12 (138)13 (148)14 (135)15 (157)16 (145)17 (152)18 (156)19 (149)20 (132)
 21 (151)Finish
1James Clemence33:121:27+0:10(3)1:40+0:00(1)2:48+0:06(3)4:51+0:13(3)6:50+0:18(2)11:57+0:23(2)13:36+0:27(2)16:45+0:16(2)17:53+0:00(1)18:55+0:00(1)
 M60 SWOC 1:27+0:10(3)0:13+0:00(1)1:08+0:09(3)2:03+0:07(3)1:59+0:08(2)5:07+0:05(3)1:39+0:16(4)3:09+0:32(2)1:08+0:01(2)1:02+0:11(3)
2Tom Foord33:281:25+0:08(2)1:41+0:01(2)2:44+0:02(2)4:41+0:03(2)6:32+0:00(1)11:34+0:00(1)13:09+0:00(1)16:29+0:00(1)18:10+0:17(2)19:19+0:24(2)
 M40 SWOC 1:25+0:08(2)0:16+0:03(2)1:03+0:04(2)1:57+0:01(2)1:51+0:00(1)5:02+0:00(1)1:35+0:12(3)3:20+0:43(3)1:41+0:34(12)1:09+0:18(6)
3Duncan Innes37:091:30+0:13(4)2:01+0:21(4)3:10+0:28(4)5:31+0:53(5)7:44+1:12(3)13:31+1:57(4)15:21+2:12(4)19:38+3:09(5)20:48+2:55(5)21:52+2:57(4)
 M55 SWOC 1:30+0:13(4)0:31+0:18(7)1:09+0:10(4)2:21+0:25(7)2:13+0:22(5)5:47+0:45(5)1:50+0:27(6)4:17+1:40(7)1:10+0:03(3)1:04+0:13(4)
4Alice Bedwell37:431:31+0:14(5)2:02+0:22(5)3:20+0:38(6)6:10+1:32(8)8:24+1:52(7)14:04+2:30(6)15:57+2:48(6)19:22+2:53(4)20:38+2:45(4)21:57+3:02(5)
 W60 SWOC 1:31+0:14(5)0:31+0:18(7)1:18+0:19(8)2:50+0:54(10)2:14+0:23(6)5:40+0:38(4)1:53+0:30(8)3:25+0:48(4)1:16+0:09(7)1:19+0:28(9)
5Christine Farr38:051:35+0:18(8)2:05+0:25(8)3:16+0:34(5)5:29+0:51(4)7:45+1:13(4)13:41+2:07(5)15:31+2:22(5)19:12+2:43(3)20:33+2:40(3)21:46+2:51(3)
 W45 SWOC 1:35+0:18(8)0:30+0:17(6)1:11+0:12(5)2:13+0:17(5)2:16+0:25(8)5:56+0:54(6)1:50+0:27(6)3:41+1:04(6)1:21+0:14(8)1:13+0:22(8)
6Pauly-D Jones38:141:38+0:21(10)2:21+0:41(10)3:53+1:11(10)6:10+1:32(8)8:25+1:53(8)14:32+2:58(8)16:26+3:17(8)19:56+3:27(6)21:10+3:17(6)22:15+3:20(6)
 M55 DEE 1:38+0:21(10)0:43+0:30(11)1:32+0:33(13)2:17+0:21(6)2:15+0:24(7)6:07+1:05(8)1:54+0:31(9)3:30+0:53(5)1:14+0:07(5)1:05+0:14(5)
7Saskia Jones39:151:38+0:21(10)2:40+1:00(12)3:53+1:11(10)6:00+1:22(7)8:11+1:39(6)14:12+2:38(7)16:00+2:51(7)20:36+4:07(8)21:50+3:57(8)22:59+4:04(8)
 W20 DEE 1:38+0:21(10)1:02+0:49(13)1:13+0:14(6)2:07+0:11(4)2:11+0:20(4)6:01+0:59(7)1:48+0:25(5)4:36+1:59(8)1:14+0:07(5)1:09+0:18(6)
8John Mills48:121:39+0:22(12)2:35+0:55(11)3:54+1:12(12)6:41+2:03(12)9:10+2:38(11)16:00+4:26(9)18:02+4:53(9)22:41+6:12(9)25:22+7:29(9)26:45+7:50(9)
 M70 SWOC 1:39+0:22(12)0:56+0:43(12)1:19+0:20(9)2:47+0:51(9)2:29+0:38(9)6:50+1:48(9)2:02+0:39(10)4:39+2:02(9)2:41+1:34(14)1:23+0:32(11)
9David May49:351:34+0:17(6)2:02+0:22(5)3:25+0:43(7)6:15+1:37(10)9:03+2:31(9)20:35+9:01(12)22:50+9:41(12)27:29+11:00(11)28:54+11:01(11)30:15+11:20(11)
 M70 SWOC 1:34+0:17(6)0:28+0:15(4)1:23+0:24(10)2:50+0:54(10)2:48+0:57(10)11:32+6:30(12)2:15+0:52(11)4:39+2:02(9)1:25+0:18(9)1:21+0:30(10)
10Peter Ribbans51:002:10+0:53(14)2:52+1:12(13)4:23+1:41(13)7:26+2:48(13)10:28+3:56(12)19:08+7:34(10)21:26+8:17(10)26:50+10:21(10)28:30+10:37(10)29:56+11:01(10)
 M60 SWOC 2:10+0:53(14)0:42+0:29(10)1:31+0:32(12)3:03+1:07(13)3:02+1:11(12)8:40+3:38(11)2:18+0:55(12)5:24+2:47(11)1:40+0:33(11)1:26+0:35(12)
11Kevin Bush53:131:57+0:40(13)3:02+1:22(14)4:53+2:11(14)8:15+3:37(14)11:31+4:59(13)19:30+7:56(11)22:08+8:59(11)28:10+11:41(12)29:41+11:48(12)31:08+12:13(12)
 M60 SWOC 1:57+0:40(13)1:05+0:52(14)1:51+0:52(14)3:22+1:26(14)3:16+1:25(14)7:59+2:57(10)2:38+1:15(14)6:02+3:25(14)1:31+0:24(10)1:27+0:36(13)
12Jane Bush70:422:47+1:30(15)4:29+2:49(15)6:32+3:50(15)10:16+5:38(15)13:28+6:56(14)31:28+19:54(13)33:56+20:47(13)39:28+22:59(13)41:47+23:54(13)43:17+24:22(13)
 W60 SWOC 2:47+1:30(15)1:42+1:29(15)2:03+1:04(15)3:44+1:48(15)3:12+1:21(13)18:00+12:58(13)2:28+1:05(13)5:32+2:55(12)2:19+1:12(13)1:30+0:39(14)
Matt O’KeefeMP1:17+0:00(1)1:43+0:03(3)2:42+0:00(1)4:38+0:00(1)-:–  13:01  14:24  17:01  18:08  18:59  
 M35 SWOC 1:17+0:00(1)0:26+0:13(3)0:59+0:00(1)1:56+0:00(1)   -:–  1:23+0:00(1)2:37+0:00(1)1:07+0:00(1)0:51+0:00(1)
 19:41  21:04  22:23  24:42  24:46  26:02  26:28  27:07  29:00  30:57  

Storey Arms 19/09/20 Splits

Storey Arms Score event, Split times

Storey Arms Score event, Split times


(29)60 min 23 C max 460 p  
PlName / ClubTime 
1Ben Mitchell460 p (54:17)101(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)115(20 p)102(20 p)103(20 p)116(20 p)117(20 p)111(20 p)
 119(20 p)104(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)108(20 p)120(20 p)107(20 p)112(20 p)110(20 p)113(20 p)
 121(20 p)122(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
2James Clemence380 p (55:30)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)120(20 p)107(20 p)106(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)
 111(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
3Richard Cronin380 p (55:44)101(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)116(20 p)117(20 p)104(20 p)111(20 p)119(20 p)
 105(20 p)106(20 p)108(20 p)120(20 p)112(20 p)110(20 p)122(20 p)121(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
4Megan Carter-Davies360 p (51:10)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)113(20 p)107(20 p)120(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)
 111(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)115(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
5Duncan Innes360 p (57:39)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)118(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)106(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)
 104(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)109(20 p)123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
6Matt O Keefe360 p (59:54)114(20 p)121(20 p)113(20 p)112(20 p)120(20 p)107(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)104(20 p)111(20 p)
 118(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
7Tom Foord360 p (61:29)101(20 p)122(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)102(20 p)103(20 p)116(20 p)117(20 p)109(20 p)
 SWOCpenalty: 20 p3:093:094:431:349:585:1512:042:0614:021:5816:172:1524:508:3327:412:5129:552:1432:352:40
 111(20 p)119(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)108(20 p)112(20 p)110(20 p)121(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
8Matt Whipple350 p (70:13)114(20 p)121(20 p)113(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)107(20 p)120(20 p)108(20 p)106(20 p)105(20 p)
 SWOCpenalty: 110 p1:241:242:461:226:223:3612:135:5114:352:2218:394:0421:022:2325:274:2528:002:3333:125:12
 104(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)103(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)
 118(20 p)122(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
 110  110  
 64:49  64:50  
9Adrian Moir340 p (58:17)101(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)116(20 p)117(20 p)109(20 p)111(20 p)119(20 p)105(20 p)106(20 p)
 108(20 p)112(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)122(20 p)121(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
10Kerina Lake320 p (56:24)114(20 p)121(20 p)113(20 p)107(20 p)120(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)
 116(20 p)115(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)122(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
11Freddie Lake320 p (56:51)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)111(20 p)119(20 p)108(20 p)
 104(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)115(20 p)102(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
12David May320 p (57:03)114(20 p)121(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)106(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)
 115(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)118(20 p)101(20 p)122(20 p)Finish 
13 Nick Dallimore280 p (54:48)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)111(20 p)119(20 p)117(20 p)103(20 p)116(20 p)
 115(20 p)123(20 p)102(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
14Roger Stein280 p (57:09)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)
 115(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
15Jill Manning260 p (55:29)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)101(20 p)118(20 p)110(20 p)111(20 p)109(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)
 117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)Finish 
16Dave Mitchell260 p (58:00)114(20 p)122(20 p)121(20 p)113(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)
 115(20 p)123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
17Kevin Bush260 p (58:21)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)109(20 p)123(20 p)
 115(20 p)118(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
18Vanessa Lawson240 p (51:08)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)
 123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
19Seth Lawson240 p (51:09)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)102(20 p)115(20 p)
 123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
20Christine Farr240 p (53:25)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)112(20 p)108(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)109(20 p)115(20 p)
 123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
21William Lake240 p (63:23)101(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)115(20 p)102(20 p)116(20 p)103(20 p)104(20 p)105(20 p)119(20 p)
 SBOCpenalty: 40 p3:023:026:373:358:372:0011:262:4913:522:2617:143:2222:495:3534:1211:2339:054:5342:573:52
 111(20 p)108(20 p)112(20 p)110(20 p)Finish 
22Bethan Irwin220 p (61:37)101(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)102(20 p)116(20 p)103(20 p)104(20 p)117(20 p)111(20 p)118(20 p)
 SBOCpenalty: 20 p3:293:297:464:1712:114:2516:454:3421:044:1928:006:5636:248:2440:514:2744:323:4152:488:16
 121(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
23Diana McClure200 p (53:01)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)109(20 p)117(20 p)115(20 p)123(20 p)101(20 p)
24Anne May180 p (53:20)114(20 p)121(20 p)110(20 p)111(20 p)109(20 p)123(20 p)118(20 p)122(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 
25Nigel Ferrand180 p (63:23)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)117(20 p)116(20 p)115(20 p)109(20 p)
 SWOCpenalty: 40 p2:572:575:302:339:504:2015:365:4620:385:0225:064:2834:018:5537:043:0343:156:1154:3011:15
 101(20 p)Finish 
 123  118  
 46:36  57:10  
26John Mills150 p (62:06)114(20 p)121(20 p)122(20 p)110(20 p)119(20 p)111(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)115(20 p)Finish 
 SWOCpenalty: 30 p2:382:384:522:148:223:3013:385:1629:4716:0934:384:5142:087:3045:483:4050:354:4762:0611:31
27Robin Irwin140 p (46:49)101(20 p)123(20 p)116(20 p)117(20 p)118(20 p)122(20 p)114(20 p)Finish 
28Alun Morgan140 p (54:54)114(20 p)122(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)109(20 p)101(20 p)121(20 p)Finish 
29Douglas Innes-Farr100 p (36:37)114(20 p)122(20 p)118(20 p)123(20 p)101(20 p)Finish 

Created 2020-09-19 18:59:43 with SI-Droid Event 1.10

19th July Pontcanna Park Results

19th July Pontcanna Park Results



1 Callum and Diane
2 James and Stuart
3 Mathew Bill
4 Megan Bill
5 Sophie and Frankie


1 Duncan Innes M50 18:12
2 Christine Farr W40 18:46
3 Carys Bill W16 19:33
4 Kate Darlington W35 20:37
5 Pete colbert M65 21:45
6 Aled Joseph M12 27:05
7 Eulee Sew W21 28:14
8 Harry Chapman M12 28:43
9 Anthony Raven M45 30:09
10 Pete Ribbans M60 30:48
11 Paul Bradford M45 32:03
12 Sue Colbert W70 33:06
13 Harrision Bradford M14 36:22
14 Pete Maloney M70 36:25
15 Chris Raven M14 36:39
16 Leo King M12 36:41
17 Andrew raven M12 38:18
18 Oliver Parfitt M14 50:01
19 Logan Bradford M12 dnf


1 Will White
2 Cary Bill
3 Gary Davies
4 James Clemence
5 Mark Ponsford
6 Tom Crommarty
7 Alan Stone
8 John Mills
9 Caroline Dallimore
10 Jeremy Parr
11 Alice Bedwell
12 Jane Bush
13 Cornell Parr


Handicap Results


Name Age class Time Handicap handicap time
1 Aled Joseph M12 27:05 2.5 10:50
2 Harry Chapman M12 28:43 2.5 11:29
3 Carys Bill W16 19:33 1.68 11:38
4 Christine Farr W40 18:46 1.47 12:46
5 Pete colbert M65 21:45 1.68 12:57
6 Duncan Innes M50 18:12 1.33 13:41
7 Sue Colbert W70 33:06 2.3 14:23
8 Leo King M12 36:41 2.5 14:40
9 Kate Darlington W35 20:37 1.39 14:50
10 Pete Ribbans M60 30:48 1.54 20:00
11 Pete Maloney M70 36:25 1.8 20:14
12 Harrision Bradford M14 36:22 1.68 21:39
13 Chris Raven M14 36:39 1.68 21:49
14 Eulee Sew W21 28:14 1.27 22:14
15 Anthony Raven M45 30:09 1.21 24:55
16 Paul Bradford M45 32:03 1.21 26:29
17 Oliver Parfitt M14 50:01 1.68 29:46
18 Andrew raven M12 38:18
missed no 2
19 Logan Bradford M12



1 Cary Bill
30:50 1.68 18:21
2 Caroline Dallimore
40:54 1.84 22:14
3 James Clemence
32:31 1.41 23:04
4 John Mills
39:01 1.68 23:13
5 Alice Bedwell
42:52 1.71 25:04
6 Alan Stone
37:10 1.41 26:22
7 Gary Davies
30:50 1.14 27:03
8 Will White
27:45 1.00 27:45
9 Jane Bush
53:18 1.84 28:58
10 Mark Ponsford
33:42 1.00 33:42
11 Jeremy Parr
41:11 1.21 34:02
12 Tom Crommarty
35:47 1.00 35:47
13 Cornell Parr

14th April, Sugar Loaf, Abergavenny, Saturday Local Event

14th April, Sugar Loaf, Abergavenny, Saturday Local Event

Blue6.0k 260m

1Clive HallettM55BOK39.08
2Rhys ManningM35SWOC42.35
3Lorenzo CalabroM40BOK42.49
4Jason HowellM45HOC46.03
5Matthew PickeringM21UBOC46.35
6John SimmonsM65BOK52.27
7Paul GebbettM45BOK52.43
8Nick SilkM50SWOC53.49
9Keith AgmenM35BOK56.28
10Quinlan SilkM18SWOC57.47
11Chris BettsM45SWOC58.12
12Christian SaxtoftM55BOK58.31
13David MayM70SLOW60.19
14Jackie HallettW60BOK62.24
15David HarperM60GO63.19
16Adrian MoirM55SWOC64.01
17Fraser StephensM45SWOC65.38
18Brian HughesM70HOC66.18
19Tessa LewisW50SWOC70.10
20Ian KennettM55SWOC70.24
21Chris JohnsonM65BOK75.21
22Mike GoldthorpeM60SOC76.39
23Debbie LambW21SWOC78.21
24Kelvin DaviesM55BOK79.30
25Anthony RavenM45SWOC80.57
26Anthony DewM40SBOC97.06

Green4.4k 240m

1Cecilie AndersenW21BOK36.55
2Alison SimmonsW60BOK48.11
3Alex BettsM14SWOC50.08
4Joel FerrandM21IND59.59
5Annemiwke SilkW50SWOC60.12
6Dave PalmerM70BOK60.30
7Andrew CatmurM60HOC61.11
8Nicola JohnsonW21BOK62.08
9Pete MaliphantM60BOK63.16
10Gill ManningW65SWOC67.56
11Tony LloydM60BOK68.05
12John MillsM65SWOC74.21
13Alan RichardsM70NGOC75.13
14Pete ColbertM65SWOC75.33
15Graham ToughM70SWOC81.54
16Matt SmithM50IND82.16
17Jane HolcombeW45BOK84.35
18Alex GuansM55NGOC85.39
19Keith BuchananM55NGOC94.41
20Jane BoydW50NGOC95.59
21Bob TeedM75NGOC97.50
22Rachel KhanW21UBOC99.24
23John ColemanM75NGOC100.58
24Darren OuldM35IND101.09
25Susanne AndersenW55BOK102.29
26Rachel HowellW45HOC103.03
27Sue ColbertW70SWOC112.40
28Carolyn ThravesW21BOK118.58
29Alun MorganM70SWOC131.15


1Ann PalmerW65BOK35.10
2Beth DaviesW45SWOC37.04
3Tamsin Leighton-CrawfordW21IND41.09
4Alan MackenzieM70BOK41.43
5Richard WebsterM21IND50.20
6Kate MaiphantW55BOK57.57
7Lucy HammondW21IND73.41
8Simone Twohig

22nd June 2016, Wed, Bute Park Results

Cardiff Park Series 3 Bute Park 22.6.16


Name Club Age class Time
Dafydd Pratchett Ind M12 15.00
Yogi Scouts 15.44
Alex & Andrew Scouts 16.08
Max and Ceri Davies Ind M9 16.24
James & Rachel Wetherill Ind M9 18.22
Barnaby & Harry Scouts 19.19
Sophie & Stuart Wetherill Ind W7 21.28
Isabella Scouts 22.51
Oliver & Dafydd Scouts 23.48
Rebecca & Ffion Scouts 28.4
Ruben & James Scouts Lost dibber dnf



Nick Dallimore SWOC M60 24.21
Dave Notton Ind 31.56
Caroil Sands BASOC 34.56
Tim Sands BASOC 37.30
Sue Colbert SWOC W65 49.48
Dafydd Pratchet Ind M12 50.19
Caroline James SWOC 50.25
Anne May SWOC 53.30
Chris & harrison Scouts 54.13



Marcus Pinker SWOC M35 33.32
Ake Fagereng SWOC 34.43
Martyn Driscoll ind M21 38.3
Simon Denman NGOC 39.18
Richard Cronin NGOC M21 39.34
Gary Davies SWOC 41.15
Christine Farr SWOC W40 45.58
Alice Bedwell SWOC W55 46.11
Duncan Innes SWOC M50 46.11
David May SWOC M70 46.51
Simon James SWOC M50 47.11
Haydn Griffiths SWOC 47.35
Caroline dallimore SWOC W60 50.26
John Mills SWOC M65 50.42
Pete Havard SWOC M65 54.30
Pete Colbert SWOC M65 58.30


Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Good to see so many, including the scouts from Caerphilly. There were some good battles on all the courses. Dafydd successfully completed both the novice and the medium courses. Thanks for all the help from those who attended.  Particularly Mark Saunders who helped put out the controls and then did registration and all those who collected controls, helped the novices and managed to pack the tent away.  The next event is Roath Park on the 29 June.  Hope to see you all there. 


29th June 2016, Wed, Roath Park Results

Cardiff Park Series 4 -Roath Park


NameClubAge classTime


1Ethan EvansInd
2Mark PalserInd
3Adam FairmanInd
4Rosie CadwaladerInd
5Sophie NottonInd
6Reuben PalmerScouts
7Calum and JamesInd
8Andrew DixonInd
9Sophie and DadInd
10Dafydd HillScouts
12Isabella & EmilyScouts


1Mark Palserind
2Jill ManningSWOC
3Pete Colbert SWOC
5Andrew DixonInd
6Dave NottonInd
8Sue ColbertSWOC
9Reuben & AishaScouts
10Sze Wai TsangyInd
11ffion & AndrewScouts
12Harrision & jamesScouts
13Alex DafyddScouts
14Margaret PalserInd
15Barnaby & HarryScouts


1Ake FagerengSWOC
2Mike PedleyEPOC
3Clare DallimoreSWOC
4Gary DaviesSWOC
5Martin DriscollInd
6Simon JamesSWOC
7Alice BedwellSWOC
8Nick DalimoreSWOC
9Caroline DallimoreSWOC
10Ceri DaviesInd
11Tung Nam YeunInd

Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Good to see so many, including the scouts from Caerphilly. There were some good battles on all the courses. Dafydd successfully completed both the novice and the medium courses. Thanks for all the help from those who attended.  Particularly Mark Saunders who helped put out the controls and then did registration and all those who collected controls, helped the novices and managed to pack the tent away.  The next park event is Thompson Park on the 17 July.  Next SWOC event Cosmeston this Wed 6th July. Hope to see you all there.