1. Ifor Powell M21 BOK 71.35
2. Ian Rochford M45 BOK 71.58
3. Gareth Buffet M50 SWOC 80.40
4. Rhodri Buffet M14 SWOC 82.44
5. Colin Palmer M55 91.07
6. Adrian Moir M35 SWOC 93.57
7 Claire Hepenstall W CLOK 94.45
8. Andrew Rodgers 99.08
9. David Palmer 99.21
10. Jonathan & Gail Williams 108.16
11. Jill Manning W50 SWOC 113.13
12. John Slack & Alison Morgan 124.47
13. Martin Johnson 139.00
14. Dave & Lynne Tennant & Joe Heal 149.55
15. Owain Slater 150.16
16 Rex Hendrickson 152.10
Simon Roberts Ret
A Morgan Ret
return 2002 results
Short MTBO
1. Jon Dallimore M14 SWOC 66.00
2. Kate Balmond W50 SWOC 86.00
3. ?? Howell SWOC 98.28
4. Jane & Lorna Seward & Carline Roberts SBOC 102.57
Mark Cudmore Ret
Orienteering Courses
1. Dafydd Bayliss M6 55.00
2. ?? Howell 59.00
3. Mary Baloun 116.00
Isobel Moir Ret. (wet feet)
Light Green
1. Peter Seward M70 SBOC 39.15
2. Lauren& Nigel Ferrand W14 SWOC 48.47
3. Alan Hepenstall M60 HOC 51.59
4. Angela Hepenstall W60 HOC 63.07
5. A Goss M21 KERNO 66.26
6. Iestin Thomas M21 SWOC 70.10
1. Jeff Colbert M20 SWOC 56.47
2. Pete Colbert M50 SWOC 59.41
return 2002 results
Thanks to all competitors who turned up and seemed
on the whole to have enjoyed it despite the occasional patch of
mud. The event was a cancelled at the last minute last year due
to F&M so has been very long in conception. Felling resulted
in some late course changes & apologies to Pete & Jeff on
the red course for forgetting to change their master map accordingly.
All controls remained in place despite the presence of some cyclist
unfriendly horse riders in the forest. The rain came just in time
to make collecting the controls unpleasant, not that I was doing
much riding as my deraillier hanger snapped at the far end by No
5. Lynne Tenant who rode the long course on a fixed wheel bike new
what she was doing!!
return 2002 results